Mandinka2 said:
This is what I object to Velvett - it is not that u see lees value , it is that u see no value in their suffering. I merely pointed out that there are women who are criminals too and questioned - although you have yet to answer whether their rape has any value.
I'm sorry, what does duration have to do with the matter , whether a criminal is in jail or otherwise does not alter the fact that the person is a criminal. And while we're at it , almost every steroid taker on this board is a criminal (although presumably we have some value
I really feel that is a gross exaggeration , many/most men are apalled by rape, but Im often left wondering the following:
Which is the greater crime and why:
1. To be beaten senseless by baseball bat wielding thugs and left in a state requiring hospitalisation involving drip-feeding.
2. To be raped by a spouse/lover because you were tired/not in the mood.
And therein lies the problem with rape - Tyson was convicted "on balance" , with no visible traces of an assault , its very much a case of one person's word versus another. I think many men are bothered by the level of power this gives women - essentially they hold a legal sword above men , many men have had their lives destroyed by mere ACCUSATIONS of rape , and when their cases were acquitted no recourse for compensation exists.It is a gross inequity. That is why I feel that aggrevated sexual assault ought to be the cause celebre of feminists and not rape.
It's not a man woman thing - I never stated that either - I stated criminals period (man or woman) - specifically rapist, murders and child molesters.
Duration does matter, how could one compare a night in jail and a 1, 5, 10 year - life sentence? You really can't can you?
I never said most men were not appalled by rape, I said many not all.
Regarding 1 or 2 - at first glance - I would say 1. If a spouse would force themselves upon another (man or woman - doesn't matter) I would find that most offensive. Yet, what would be mor offensive is the spouse that stays and accepts the abuse.
(What does any of this have to do with prision rape though???)
If you want to discuss the injustice towards men being wrongly acussed of rape - we'd need a different thread and I have to tell you - you would very surprise as to my views, they are not what you are suggesting.
many men have had their lives destroyed by mere ACCUSATIONS of rape , and when their cases were acquitted no recourse for compensation exists.It is a gross inequity
I feel for them - as I feel for women and men that have never spoken of being raped in fear of being judged.
So for those that remain silent and those that are wrongly accused there is some sort balance in the numbers with those numbers.
Again though that is a totally different thread.