Week 3 -- MONDAY
Squat 5x5: warmup to 350 (PR)
-very tough. Got 'em all though. I had a friend video my last set w/ my phone but he didn't push 'save' so I didn't get to see it . He said i was bouncing a little but I'd like to see for myself just how bad it was, if it
was bad. I intentionally use just a shade of stretch reflex but my knees feel great. I'll get my 1x5 attempt video'd Friday. Also, I had a pretty wicked pump by set 3, so maybe the test is kicking in. Or maybe I'm just not used to this much work.
Bench 1x5: rotator warmup, 135x15, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x3, 295x4
-Goddamn motherfuckin' cocksmoking bullshit! I'm fuggin' PISSED that I missed this. I suppose the fact that I haven't used much in the way of intensity on bench for a couple months didn't help. But shit, I HATE moving backwards!
Power clean: 135x5, 185x3x3, 205x3, 225x3x2 (PR)
-Made me feel a little better. I did an extra set just for good measure. I used straps just to see if they'd help and they really did - I probably have some serious gains to make on PC's if I take my grip out of the equation. My grip sucks but UPS says my CoC #1 will be here wednesday, so I'm gonna put some serious work in on that bastard.
DB curls: (per arm) 45'sx8, 50'sx7
Standing overhead tricep ext.:
x12, x10
-I've skipped dips for now as my homie with the dip belt hasn't been around. As if I needed to feel geigher about these, there was a guy repping out 405 on bench right by me while I was doing my last set. I've seen this fucker DL 635 before.
Well it felt good to beat the shit out of myself again
. I took quite a while on squats (~40 minutes from first warmup to last rack) but I think that's fine. I had an audience for a while as four guys were using the rack next to me. I hate that I'm so damn judgemental but I was laughing inside as they were decently big and using 185 and not breaking parallel (and all wearing bigass PL style belts
Hopefully the gear will be in full effect by Friday and I'll nail 285 for 5x5 on bench. Otherwise I may go for 280. As always, I can't wait to DL on Weds - probably gonna go for 365 unless I feel like Superman by then.