Wow, I haven't checked this post in over a month. Nice comments. Me and my husband have had some friendly competition and his ego has been restored. I still beat him in pushups--46 to 42 last time, but he won in pullups 15 to 6 and chinups 16 to 7. He ran a mile in 7:56 and mine was 8:19 and he ran 3.21 miles in 30 minutes and I ran 3.17 miles in 30 minutes. He benched 210 (claims a sore shoulder hinders bench and pushups) and I actually had my best lift ever at 125lbs. I did 550lbs on the leg press and he did 805lbs. I curled 60lbs for 4 reps and he curled 115lbs for 5 reps.
The end result was we had fun competing. I was probably as motivated as I've ever been and pushed myself hard. I maxed out on the bench, leg press, curls, pushups, and pullups. He really isn't that bothered about my strength and actually encourages me. (Though he is more encouraging when he wins--haha).
We have a wonderful marriage and this actually made working out together fun....If your man is comfortable with it

and you think you can hang with your man I say go for it.
Rebecca D