Today I put some orange juice, ice cubes, and my opt. nutrition protein in the blender, and took it in, and it was REALLY good. What do you guys think of this as a postworkout shake? or make in the morning?
i used to drink a few cups of OJ first, then the whey shake.
anyone know if the sugar from the oj is comparable to the dextrose you all put in your shakes? same effect? no? how many grams fructose = the dextrose you all put in your shakes?
Dextrose is your best choice as in PWO carbs...Maltodextrin is fine as well, but dextrose gets the knod. As mentioned, drop the fructose PWO, since it replenished liver glycogen, rather then muscle glycogen.
Dextrose, also known as glucose, d-glucose, or blood sugar, occurs naturally in food, and is not very sweet. It is a monosaccharide (simple carb). Maltodextrin is a flavorless, easily digested carbohydrate made from cornstarch. The starch is cooked, and then acid and/or enzymes (a process similar to that used by the body to digest carbohydrates) are used to break the starch into smaller chains (3-20 chains in maltodextrin). These chains are composed of several dextrose molecules held together by very weak hydrogen bonds. Due to the simple scientific fact, dextrose has less molecules then maltodextrin, therefore it is quicker to be absorbed by your body, even though both items have a high Glycemic Index
So why would one take an MRP (myoplex, metrx) mid-morning if it has maltod. in it..? WOn't it spike insulin or is the amount in an MRP minimal? Lean Matrix lists it close to the bottom, whereas Metrx and Myoplex have it near the top..........
Do they have some fats that would slow it's absorption? Don't know what the macro ratios in those drinks are, but since they are MRP's, I'll assume that they try to balance the macros for you and maltodex is added for carbs.
Yah, most of them have fat and fiber that will influence the typical blood sugar release induced by simple sugars. But I would still opt for real food (other than pre/post workout).