Hey ladies,
Sorry to rub you up the wrong way, if you are on this forum regularily, it is like preaching to the converted (or is that preaching to the perverted? I have looked at some of your pics, lol). Looking good ladies!!!
It wasn't really meant for you, it was meant for all the women that come in and have a peek!! Just check out how many hits this site gets!!!!
Oh, yah gotta love that 'rugged individualism' that pervades the US "everyone is different", yes, and we are also all the same at the same time! Connected but distinct!
THis is not 'my' stuff, it is, as far as science is able to 'prove' so far, this is the basic biology of weight loss.
Ok, so for you regular lot, I will also add a few bits. Ok, low calorie diets will work. ANd people can lose loads of weight on them. For awhile. And then our bodies get used to the diet. Physiologists call this the 'law of adaptation'. Our bodies are EXTREMELY GOOD at learning how to function on whatever amount of calories that they are given. Humans would not have survived our pre-history without this ability.
Problem with this is that while fat is initially 'burned off', it is almost easier for our body to cannabalise other tissues, such as muscle, and even internal organs. All twenty essential amino acid, 'slot' back into the Kreb's cycle, as well as go through the process of gluconeogenesis in the liver, to produce glucose for the brain.
Muscle is basically responsible for how fast your metabolism is. (SAID like ARNie) "the muscle is hungry!", LoL. Low calorie diet, initial weight loss from fat, body adapts to calories, weight loss from muscle, metabolism slows down, have to eat fewer and fewer calories to lose weight, brain needs sugar to function, canabalises the muscle, metabolism slows down........ its a vicious cycle.
Haven't you ever broken your diet over the weekend or for a holiday, and after months and months of 'being good', you completely blow it out!! Going back to the scales and expecting them to be off the scales, you find to your surprise, that you have actually lost weight!! YOur body has realised that it isn't starving, this isn't a time of depletion, but surplus, no need to hang on to as much as possible.
I did know that this would be met with resistance, it is almost like going from the world is flat (and of course everyone KNEW that that was how it was), to the world is round. I am sure new practices will be refined and replace this one, that is the nature of science. AS far as physiologists are concerned, this is basically how it works, your body adapts to the low calories.
So, if you still want to stick to the low cal thing, mix it up a little, throw in a few cheat meals and confuse your metabolism, and do it quite often, so you don't get to that point where you find yourself inhaling an entire box of cookies or tub of ice cream, or both!!!
There is more to weight loss, there is the frequency of meals, the quality of the food, macronutrient ratios, carbohydrate and calorie cycling, body type (genetics) and of course, exercise. Don't get me started on excessive long cardio, LoL, the body adapts to that too!!!
Really like the "all the degrees in the world don't make a bit of difference comment" as well!!! Wow, I really did piss you off!!!! Sorry hun, SMiles
Everything you need to know about fat loss by Chris Aceto
Burn the FAt, Feed the Muscle Tom Venuto