Daisy_Girl said:
Noyhing, NOTHING, works for everyone. No formula, no diet, no training program. Anyone who says this is the only way, the best way to do things is blowing smoke up your ass.
Diet and training are individual. You find a caloric range, and stick with it for awhile. If it is not producing the effects you desire, tweak it. Finding the correct ratio and amounts for you take TIME, PATIENCE, and trial and error.
Thing do need to be adjusted for different body types. I am fortunate enough to have almost a 'pure' mesomorph body type, which means I can basically eat whatever I want whenever I want as long as the quality of the food is good, meaning no hydrogenated fats, nothing deep fried, no processed foods.
Endomorphs (pear shaped) have to be very strict with their diets and may benefit from slightly carbohydrate restricted diets.
Ectomorphs are the tall, thin type of people who can basically eat whatever they want and not gain weight, they often have difficulty in gaining weight.
This is a general summary, there is more information on each body type in numerous books.
Human being have been studied by biologist and physiologist for ages. There are established reference ranges for nearly every parameter about our bodies, height, levels of blood sugars, total protein, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), estrogen, progesterone. THese reference ranges do only apply quite precisely to 95% of the population, some people may function quite well on a slightly higher or lower level.
However, there are general rules of thumb, and our bodies need a certain amount of calories just to function. You might be one of the lucky 1-2% of the population that is able to lose weight (and it would be quick) on a severely calorie restricted diet!
I am lucky in that I have the genetics that have me put on muscle quite easily! More muscle, more calories burned. I have to eat like a P.I.G, and loads and loads of really bad food to gain weight (and I have!!!). I have had to lose weight before, when I first moved to England, I gained about 20 kg, (lost it got to about 15% body fat) and during the last 6 months of my degree I gained about 7 kg. I was eating nearly a half a tub of Hagen Daas with 500 ml of Bailey's every night (this was just after my divorce and I had just moved into my own flat). Oh yes, and probably about a half a bar of Green and Black's choc a night as well! Chips/french fries for lunch, kettle crisps, you name it, I ate loads of it.
I really should have been one of those super obese that you see on Discovery channel, it was only my 'lucky' mesomorphic genetics and all the previous weight training that I had done that saved my ass!!!!
I really don't like to diet and lose weight (except for ripping up for comps now, it's such a trip!), so I finally decided to really apply all that I had learned.
I still eat choc, I still go out for an Indian once a week off season (peshwari naan-YUM). I have just learned these few little 'tricks' and done my homework!!
And I don't spend hours and hours every day doing cardio either!!!
Up to you hun, as I keep saying
how hard do you want to be on yourself?