wow man never seen so many emails from one person before. i started at about 155lb so i know where your coming from. Like i said before rest as important as the workout and more important then both is that you eat. not what you eat so much as just continously eating. alcohol can help you absorb food in your stomach so beer not a bad thing just dont start slamming cases for breakfast. lots of bananas at least two a day people loss a lot of k+ working out. I suggest hmb, creatine, and a generic protein supplement ( if it isn't the same shit then someone could have figured out how to make them taste better) i'm not going to design a complete workout for you you'll have to find your own groove as to what body part what day and what time. i however will give my workout and you can adjust yours as far as weight used.
mon 0830 chest
bench press 225x15, 275x10, 315x10, 365x5, 405x2.
incline press 225x10, 275x8, 315x4
decline dumbbell press 75x8, 90x8, 100x5
peck deck and cable crossovers (these are kind of easy like all macine the pullies do all the work so you have to slow down quite a bit to get anything out of it, usually on machines i just go the heaviest and start there) rackx15 rackx10, rackx10
tue 0830 back
lat pulldowns 200x10 250x10 300x10x2
rows (usually some type of machine) rackx10x3
dead lifts 405x5 495x5 585x3 635x1
lat pullover rackx10x3
wed 0830 legs
leg press i top out about 1300-1400lbs increasing the weight until i cant put anymore on usually 6 sets8-10 reps
leg extensions i go light and easy here 3 sets 20-30 reps each leg
leg curls sets 180x15x3
calf raises 300x15x3
thurs 0830 shoulders
presses 225x10. 275x6 315x1
laterial raises 50x15 60x10 70x10
shrugs 405x10 495x10 585x10 675x6
rear delts rearly light stuff here maybe 40x10x3
fri 0830 arm here i rotate bi and tri
tri push downs rackx 10x3
dumbbell curls 60x10 80x 10 100x6
seated tri extensions 50x10 60 x10 70x10
straight bar curls 135x10 185x 10 225x5 275x2 (rock and roll baby)
sigle arm pull downs 100x10x3
preacher dumbells 50x10 60x10 70x10
kick backs 45x10 50x10 55x10
sat & sun mental heaths days dont even drive in the direction of the gym
next week you do the same exercises and reps but you use the first set weight only with slow thoughtful reps and at the end of each set flex and hold it as long as possible. Drink lots water and good luck