Well ladies & gents that simply adore our
lovely EF Golden darlin’ .. I just spoke to my Twinny and thought (with permission) I’d fill you in what’s going on , or rather what happened…
We all see the glam, the way she worked it, the confidence ... but unfortunately, she “had too much.”
Not only was everyone
SHOCKED she didn't make the top 10, a fitness PRO even said to her amazement, “You’ve got to be kidding me? I couldn't take my eyes off of you!”
Look at THAT for one gosh darn AWESOME compliment.. (did we expect any less???
The deal was, the MC made an announcement regarding doing “too much” with the stage presence… the MC actually had said that you
can't over do it on stage don't give us 100% give us
500% … That’s RIGHT .. work it.. so get this …
she was docked was being too sexy and distracting … what do you expect, being on stage with a bunch of dead females and as if she WOULD NOT take all of the attention … lemme clarify they asked for 500% she apparently gave them
too much ...
Her trainer, lovingly & honestly made sure she knew how fantastic she was out there… NOBODY could take their eyes off her … many of her friends reiterated that when she stepped on stage, everyone around them said, “WOW, she is beautiful…” and comments like that.
She knows you all must be wondering what is going on so I am passing along the tidbits of our conversation.
As you can imagine, I am sure she is taking a well deserved break, too oft SHORT lived, back on diet & Training & schedule shortly .. no worries…
Leave it up to her to friggin redefine "SEXY" ...