Do it! I took my g/f to get her hood done at the same place I went to and she had me hold her hand when the needle went in and then we took pics. Afterwards we went out for martini's and some bra shopping at Victoria Secrets in Ybor City (same guy did my husband's nips too). It only hurts for a split second and it's not painful afterwards like most piercings. I had my tongue re-pierced that night too because after taking out the vibrating barbell and continuing on with business, I fell asleep after we were done without putting anything back in my tongue. It wasn't until the next afternoon that I realized this and it had closed already, so I waited about 2 months and had it re-done. It didn't swell or hurt the 2nd time.
When I had my hood done we were able to lightly fool around that night, and after a week it was like it had been there forever. Hood piercings heal very quickly!