Just keep eating. Last October at my wedding I weighed 155, today I weigh 195, so it can be done. Heavy compound moves and heavy eating will do it! Keep up the good work.
Im gonna have to post what I looked like last year. You guys would shit yourselves!
Ive been squatting and DLing the crap out of my bird legs to get them big. All I can say is that is the biggest my quads have ever been by far.
I hope I can find a pic of before to post up.
BTW, I guess size is pretty important to me becuase I want to look good as well as getting stronger, I wont cut until I hit 200 lbs or so, then it will probably just be to shed some bodyfat to start a bulk over again.
How do you add the pics to your gallery? I was gonna do that to begin with, but didnt know how and didnt have time on my lunch break to do it.
Do you have to be plat?
My goal is to not miss a scheduled workout, or a meal for an entire month and see where I am at. Its kind of hard though working around sons tee ball schedule right now and my W moving out. I should be full back on track next week.