First I want to thank NicolePap for getting my pic to come up. I have 3 other shots I wanted to post just couldn't get them to load so I though. Nicole should I try again.
My off season weight gets no higher then 195#.
Yes, competing in 4 Spring and 4 Fall has taken it's toll. Once I got dieted down for the spring shows I only let my weight go back to 187 for 8 weeks or so then back on the diet. I can get in contest shape in 10 weeks. I'm at about 14 weeks right now going into this last show. I'm harder and leaner then ever.
We arrive in Florida Friday 12th . We will my wife and I will find the location of the show. Get our hotel and put a coat of paint on me. I use Jan Tan competition tan 3 coats total. No matter how dark I look once you are under the stage lights you become much lighter.
My Irish/German back ground dosn't help much. Sat. we will go to the show where no one knows me and I hope to shock the shit out of the men's Open middle weights. It won't be the first time.
Here is my placing in Men's open all year long. 4 -1st places
2 - 2nd places and 1 3rd place. Plus I entered two 35 to 40 classes got 1 st and 1 3rd place.
So, when I get to Florida I hope to be in the top 3. My goal is to always win. However it's never the end of the world to not finish first. I do this because I have a ton of fun competing. When it's no fun I will move on to something else.
Thanks for all the kind words.
One more thing I turned 40 yesterday but I will still be competing in the mens open in Florida. They don't allow crossing over at this show. You have to compete in the open to rtry for an overall.
Thanks again,