tomorrow will be my first completed week.
although i still do not see the instant muscle that are supposed to pump up
(never really believed that part anyway)
i weighed myself at the gym....lost 6 pounds, but still look the same.
saw my mom today and she commented that i dont look all bloated like i have been.
so that should stand to reason that this stuff is sucking off fat and excess water.
i did see the top 2 stomach muscles today as well.
havent had a 6 pack in over 15 years so it is nice to have a 2 pack.
still only taking it with anavar and proviron, and i will say that in the gym yesterday i looked VERY pumped bad it doesnt stay that way
but i guess it is working, and it is only the first week.
maybe next week i'll have a 4 pack.
....ooh back to the shitter!