That sucks bro. I'm sorry to hear that. Sounds like TRT time for you.
My Natty Test as I said above was 835 at age 36 (which blew my mind) so a year later I hope I get back close to that. We will see.
Biggest thing for me as I said, Creeping iron levels and bilirubin levels. Just time to make a smart choice and clean up for a year or two.
Seeing how much weight and water and glycogen retention I lost but having the same strength almost and only losing about .5" on my big measurements makes me wonder wtf the test was doing for me? I was eating pretty much perfect and training with super intensity and mind muscle connection.
Rick maybe throw in some TB500 to your situation? It will certainly help any achey sore issues you might have. I know for me when I use TB500 (and I have paid specific attention when adding TB and nothing else) that there is a marked increase in strength. Why this is? I have no idea. But it happens. That might help you too.
Get yourself an adrenal gland support supplement too bro. Our thyroids take a beating when we cycle too and that kills the adrenal function (makes you feel tired, fatigued, achey) So maybe even some thyroid support supps too.