when i was a soccer player our coach would tell us "carb up!, eat pasta!" so i took his advice the day of the game.. when i played football we would eat pizza before our games, why? cause it was cheap and they could buy a bunch of pizza's for the whole team for $200.
i was slower and bloated the whole game. gluten is one of the most inflammatory things you can put in your body! not to mention the cheese.
this whole you need to carb up and eat pasta is pushed by people who simply have low fitness IQ's. it makes no sense to eat something inflammatory and expect to have a great workout where you feel great
this is what i recommend you eat before your workout: 2 eggs, raw oats, half a sweet potato OR rice, and a piece of non acidy fruit (maybe papaya or cantaloupe) notice there is no dairy or gluten in any of that. it just clean whole foods