The first time I did it the gains were amazing.
The last time I did it I was dieting (still am, different diet) I added weight to all my lifts but the diet limited me greatly.
I am not happy with the way I followed the program, I took days off, skipped workouts, restarted teh program a few times which prolonged the actual training cycle by a few weeks.
I like the template and I did modify it, I never did floor presses or board presses.
I think it's a great program and I just strated a modified version of it. (UNtil I receive Ryan's new book and change everything)
I was thinking about doing MM becnh workouts, while trying to figure out how to compensate for not using a shirt, keeping the DE speed day (very important I believe) adding more deadlift work than Dave has in the basic program and following hte ME/DE squats workouts. I aslo want to train the shoulders more, have been neglecting them for over a year now, except for hte occasional fronmt plate raises.
I think I can break 400 lbs in a few months if I focus on my weaknesses (which I no f#cking clue what they are

I want to mix things up a bit. I'm new to this and not sure what to do so I follow what the experts suggest. Now the problem is that there are so many experts, who do I listen to.