LMAO you just said "I know I haven't spent hours researching womens use!!" then you go on to offer adive and opinion. Make up your mind, you know about it or you dont!
So now you are saying 5mg of Anavar - oxandrolone - ed is going to turn her into a man with a deep voice?
Again, some of what you say is not sex specific so you are not part of the solution at all. For example when a bro gives gear advice to a bro, does he give a flying fuck about him? If the answer is no then stfu if the answer is yes then why can't I give a flying fuck about the dudes wife?
I have not spent hours researching gear for women, I have spent YEARS researching it. I will admit this though, I dont give a flying fuck about 2 of the girls who posted in this thread.
About me asking her for a source that was so god damn funny. She was saying she had some really good Anavar - oxandrolone - and she lives down the street from me so I said hook me up (I coach a women's team and a lot of them use) so she gets all FBI on me saying no way man no can do LOL like she's going to do 15 years for a few hundred pills. The funny part was not that she said no but just HOW she said it. At any rate within 1 day I have 5 sources, in fact EVERY Canadian BRO I asked then gave me a source, I mean 100% solid LOL that's how Canadian bros get down and that has been my experience on these boards for the last 12 years.
A fuggin GIRL was the ONLY person in 12 years who said they could not give me a source.
BTW- I have never been scammed in those 12 years either...never lost a penny.
anyway, too many bitches up in this thread now.