dont start with dbol. That drug is more for advanced users in my opinion.
You got to remember what are your goals???
The aas that you are going to want to use depends on this.
I would do a short cycle for your first time
do this for cutting:
primo 400-600mg/week for week 1-6
(or) primo 300mg/week for week 1-11
winstrol 50mg/ed for week 1-6
hit clomid post cycle
or for bulking with
a really short and heavy master blaster blitz cycle and your natual testosterone levels will rebound quick, like in one week, no losses of gains!
testosterone cypionate, 500/week week 1-2
*testosterone proprionate, 900mg/week week 3
primo, 600-1000mg/week week 1-2
winny, 50mg/ed week 1-3
trebolone or (ta) or fina, 75mg/eod weeks 1-2
nolva, 20mg/ed week 1-4 take more or less if needed or take arimidex 1pill/ed for weeks 1-4
*shoot 300mg everyday starting on the beggining of the week until the 900 is gone. In other words, if you started your cycle on a Friday the proprionate should be gone by sunday.
hit clomid at week 4, 5 and 6
you should gain 5-10 solid pounds of pure muscle from this if you eat as much clean food as you can.
this short cycle is best to get your feet wet, have no side effects and not have to worry about being on for longer than a month and have to deal with any unexpected problems that mighr drive you crazy.
Alot of smart" users (not at this board) make all theri cycles 3 weeks, take of 3 weeks and then do the whole thing again and again. THis is because testicular inhibition only take place in the pititary ater 3 weeks. Before that the inhibiton has been going on at the hypothalamus. If you stop your cycle at this poin the pituitary is actually primed to super release gonadtropins and then some. COmbine that with clomid therapy and your balls will be spitting out more juice then they were before you started the cylce.