New member
Please throw them into the garbage can now.
Also, into the garbage can (figuratively speaking) are bodyfat percentage "equations" which take skinfold measurements and divide them by the square root of pi and the numerology value of your mom's maiden name.
You do need to track your fat loss progress though. You need that encouragement and ability to monitor the efficacy of your program.
Buy one of these:
Slim Guide | Power Systems
or some other reasonable quality caliper ranging from about $20 to $60.
Then, check your abdominal and leg skin thickness per the devices instruction manual. Maybe have a friend check your upper arm number.
And then record those numbers in your training journal.
DON'T plug them into some arbitrary equation which is supposed to magically spit out the numerical representation of your true subcutaneous bodyfat percentage.
And this very simple, 2 minute procedure once monthly will give you a better idea of your actual fat loss progress than the bathroom scale or the Dr. Struther's Uber Accurate Bodyfat Equation.
Hallelujah! The scale is not helpful. Go with how you feel!