obesity in america...
In my experience, although we're supposedly a society that favors lean/thin/fit people, it's really difficult to remain dedicated to fitness day to day...
I mean, I have family members who react as if I'm the Ultimate Bitch if I pass up on dessert in a restaurant, or say "no" to a bowl of ice cream offered to me, or give me dirty looks if I don't finish my whole meal. They give me hell for going to the gym, let alone even caring about my health... It's like there's an American anti-fitness counterculture out there that says "supersize me!" and "everyone who works out and eats healthy is buying into the unfair societal beauty ideal!". The more physically fit I get, the more negative reactions I get from the people closest to me. The worst reactions, actually, are from my most obese relatives.
When I went to the UK last summer, I was shocked at how small and lean the meals were in general, and how thin/lean the people were. It made me realize how it's impossible to eat out in the US without being served mammoth sized portions of food-- or food totally fried or smothered with butter or cheese.
In my experience, although we're supposedly a society that favors lean/thin/fit people, it's really difficult to remain dedicated to fitness day to day...
I mean, I have family members who react as if I'm the Ultimate Bitch if I pass up on dessert in a restaurant, or say "no" to a bowl of ice cream offered to me, or give me dirty looks if I don't finish my whole meal. They give me hell for going to the gym, let alone even caring about my health... It's like there's an American anti-fitness counterculture out there that says "supersize me!" and "everyone who works out and eats healthy is buying into the unfair societal beauty ideal!". The more physically fit I get, the more negative reactions I get from the people closest to me. The worst reactions, actually, are from my most obese relatives.
When I went to the UK last summer, I was shocked at how small and lean the meals were in general, and how thin/lean the people were. It made me realize how it's impossible to eat out in the US without being served mammoth sized portions of food-- or food totally fried or smothered with butter or cheese.