Throw the letter away. Unless you have a script you'll get locked up if you try to fight the seizure. US doctors only prescribe mashed potatos. French fries have no legitamate medical purpose.Dr. M said:
Dude, I totally know what you mean.
I got a seizure letter from customs when I tried to ship in 100 IU of french fries from overseas; here's a brief excerpt:
"This letter is to serve you with official notice that your package of french fries has been seized and held for inspection. Due to its contents, it was quickly disposed of by federal customs officers.
Please note that any future packages such as this will be seized and destroyed in a similar manner. And would it kill you to order some fucking ketchup next time?"
Fucking Feds...
Now if you weren't some dumbass newbie you'd know how to convert mashed into french fries saving yourself all this hassle.