Thanks for posting what you should have posted in the first place Gassy
Incentives are good IMO.. An example..
Much like they have in some areas regarding water usage..
I Mr Goverment, will not tell you that you cannot own a non efficient vehicle, much like I will not tell you that you cannot take 27 baths a day.
But I will say that you are using more than your share of water/fuel per normal usage, and therefore you will pay much more per gallon for anything above that normal level per gallon. Stay below the normal usage range and you will pay less per gallon.
Same dealio with having say, 5 kids instead of only 1 or 2.
We aren't going to be like China and say you can't have more than 2 kids
But your tax deductions will be normal for 1-2 but you will be either severely reduced for everyone over that or maybe even have to pay more in taxes for everyone over 2 you have..
Your additional kids are a greater burden on infrastructure like schools, trash, water usage etc and as such you should pay a greater share.
Man, I should run for President in the Reformed Communist party