It's unlikely to help much for that purpose. It *may* however help you stick to your diet a little better during the last weeks precompetition. I guess this is a kinda indirect way of helping you lose fat??? But YOU still have to do the diet and exercise to get there. The vast majority of women that take Nolvadex (for medical purposes) actually GAIN fat rather than lose it, but they're not usually sticking to a strict program of diet and exercise to lose fat. It's your call, but the evidence that tamoxifen, by itself, helps with fatloss is non-exsitent. I don't know about edema....tamoxifen can cause an increase in fluid retention in some tissues (endometrium and macula for sure), but decrease of fluid retention in other tissues (especially breast). I guess if you have swollen breasts, it may be beneficial! But this is not something most BB women on a cycle complain about........