MS said:
Almost all of the other participants in the class didn't push themselves, and rarely increased their weights. It seemed as if they felt under peer pressure to not 'cop out' and
I think the pressure on the instructors (for whatever reason) to not drop their weights or stop short of the end of a track is even greater.

Wow, thanks so much for sharing this!!!
You are 100% right that there is pressure on us (instructors) to "do every rep with them".
The class is designed & pre-choreographed by the Les Mills corporation out of New Zealand. it is VERY cult-like. They encourage us to wear the 'body pump colors' when we teach, there are 'BodyPump philosophies' - like commandments, etc. We ARE taught that we are supposed to DO EVERY REP WITH THEM... you're SOO right that this doesn't allow us to go heavier. Damn, why didn't I mention this little tid bit before?? Thanks so much for the reminder!
Additionally, the members DO experience peer pressure!!!!! I have had several ladies at the WOMEN ONLY club in the last several months openly & easily tell me they don't take the class because, "They feel intimidated & would feel uncomfortable with everyone else around them lifting more weight than they could." I found this surprising.. honestly. I suppose we who lift understand that there will *always* be someone in the weight room pushing around more than you.. what matters is out-doing yourself. These ladies never go in the free weight area, so I guess they don't understand.
But lastly... the form. It usually doesn't look too bad from on stage. But every time I watch a class someone else is teaching (so I'm watching from the back) I want to CRY

The most simple stuff - like don't let your head hang & keep the spine in-line during push-ups... it's an absolute atrocity. The dead rows I saw just last night.... the bar was pulled up maybe 2 inches.

I'm thinking I need to get out of Group Fitness.
sorry to ramble... just really wanted to respond to that insightful post!