lol thanks =)
275 x 5
275 x 4
Knees uncomfortable. I need a few weeks of eating 4000 + calories for them to heal but I'm completely addicted to cutting.
185 x 5
175 x 3
Plateau is gone and now I'm on the down slope. Should be an ugly descent until I start bulking again.
175 x 5
Surprisingly easy to be honest. My legs and back have been producing great results even on a significant calorie deficit.
Didn't have enough time to do full routine today. Hence the 2 sets, 2 sets, 1 set.
Current weight;
A leaner-then-the-previous-193 196.
An update.
Haven't been lifting weights much. Knees are still sore regularly. I've came to the conclusion that they won't heal until I start eating in surplus, so why bother with heavy weight.
I have been running/sprinting a lot. Well, the not the past week.
This week I actually took up yoga.... lol. I decided I needed alot more flexibility. My hips were too stiff, I couldn't touch my toes anymore, just felt nonathletic.
Well 4 sessions into it, I feel quite a bit better. I can touch floor with my knuckles doing a bend over stretch, hips are quite a bit looser, everything feels easier now. I heavily suggest everybody does this stuff, or at least adheres to a strict stretching routine. I, for one, don't have the ..will?.. to stick with a stretching routine, but doing yoga with a friend keeps me going. And it's great.
Not to mention, there are more then enough girls my age to keep my attention while doing yoga. =)
Weight; 188. I have been stuck here for a bit, but I credit it to my lesser used muscles building from yoga and sprinting. My little caliper says <9% bf. Seems low, tho I have no real gauge so I'll just say it's right.
Plan on cutting for another 3/4% bf. So satisfying at this level of bf to have visible improvements on the (almost)daily in bf.