First of all WELCOME alexsmom
Next the diet, protein intake, calories, and water issue I think have been covered by new and sassy. Hopefully we can cover that then.
Also, I agree you should cut back on the cardio and focus on weight training. If you are not familiar in this area, then I would also recommend hiring a trainer. However, you may have a friend you know who can help also. Heck you may even find someone on here in your area. ANyways, you must make sure you are doing the exercises properly and concentrate on the muscle groups etc. ANd go heavy as you can. I do sets of 15 to warm up, go to 10, 8, 6 and sometimes I do my 1 rep max.
And you mentioned your ARMS, well I feel the same way about almost everything. I personally focus most of my energy on my legs, can;t get them good enough. But you could get some good exercises for your arms and do them really well and as heavy as you can. That goes for every body part really.
For biceps, I like to do standing barbell curl, making sure not to swing. Seated dumbell curls, again focus and squeeze. Incline bench dbell curls with a lighter wieight to burn them out at the end. ANd there are many more...
However, if you want nice arms, you gotta focus on your tricpeps too. I think my arms look good because of my triceps not my biceps. I do french curls, cable push down, etc. and one arm kick backs, among lots of others.
I usually do a really havey mass building exercise, a somewhat middle of the line exercise ans kill them off with a lighter one at the end. THis works for me.
But unfortunately, I too had an ED, and understand that. You can get the body you achieve for, believe me. Work hard, eat right and clean, get enough water and protein, and lift heavy, train hard.
ps I heard something the other day on TC. Someone was tirning 30 and said "There's a reason 30 rhymes with dirty" hehe

Next the diet, protein intake, calories, and water issue I think have been covered by new and sassy. Hopefully we can cover that then.
Also, I agree you should cut back on the cardio and focus on weight training. If you are not familiar in this area, then I would also recommend hiring a trainer. However, you may have a friend you know who can help also. Heck you may even find someone on here in your area. ANyways, you must make sure you are doing the exercises properly and concentrate on the muscle groups etc. ANd go heavy as you can. I do sets of 15 to warm up, go to 10, 8, 6 and sometimes I do my 1 rep max.
And you mentioned your ARMS, well I feel the same way about almost everything. I personally focus most of my energy on my legs, can;t get them good enough. But you could get some good exercises for your arms and do them really well and as heavy as you can. That goes for every body part really.
For biceps, I like to do standing barbell curl, making sure not to swing. Seated dumbell curls, again focus and squeeze. Incline bench dbell curls with a lighter wieight to burn them out at the end. ANd there are many more...
However, if you want nice arms, you gotta focus on your tricpeps too. I think my arms look good because of my triceps not my biceps. I do french curls, cable push down, etc. and one arm kick backs, among lots of others.
I usually do a really havey mass building exercise, a somewhat middle of the line exercise ans kill them off with a lighter one at the end. THis works for me.
But unfortunately, I too had an ED, and understand that. You can get the body you achieve for, believe me. Work hard, eat right and clean, get enough water and protein, and lift heavy, train hard.
ps I heard something the other day on TC. Someone was tirning 30 and said "There's a reason 30 rhymes with dirty" hehe