Wecome ItalDoll you came to the right place this site is full of the most usefull fitness information I have ever come across. Also a great support system.
Welcome aboard! Guess what girls? We have earned a 3 mile profit for IDoll! Awesome! I think I will invest some of that enthusiasm profit into a good 45 min of cardio tomorrow AM!
Thanks for all the support
After all this gym talk, I woke up this morning extremely amped for the gym. It was my cardio day today and rather that running my usual 3 1/2 miles..... I RAN 6 1/4 MILES !!!!!
I couldn't believe myself!!!! Today was the best running day I have probably ever had - And I needed it after all the pumpkin pie I ate last week.. I've been feeling like a cow. I found some pics to post (even a few of me n Mikey at the gym),... I'll probably post them next week after my final exams ......... THANKS AGAIN
Yes, it IS harder to run on a track or outside than on a treadmill. But, she almost doubled the amount she was previously capable of doing. That means she is finding ways to push herself past what she originally thought was her limit - a terrific thing no matter what.
We can't reach our goals unless we find a way to push past what we THINK are our limits.
The progress she is making is great. I just think its misleading to refer the treatmill to miles ran. On the treadmill I prefer to use the time and the speed as a mark of progress. Its more accurate.