If any of you subscribe to Jeff Everson's free mag called "Planet Muscle" I have to say at first I thought that he was going in the right direction with his percieved version a unbiased supplement forum, unfortunately all of these supplement/bodybuilding magazines are nothing but self serving forms of advertising, I guess to think otherwise is naive, but I was just hoping it wouldn't turn out that way, the reason being is that in his current edition of his magazine the rag touts a new supplement called"Lipotropin" . When you read all the so called medical / Lab research you start thinking, " Hey this might be the magic bullet after all, but then when you turn to the last page and find out who makes the product and read their mailing address you end up finding out that it's the same address as the magazine's, so much for being an unbiased source of supplement info! oh well I guess you just have to sort all this stuff out on your own, who knows maybe it does have some merit, but from hearing from doctors and other researchers oral HGH stimulator are basically inert due to their inavility to pass thru the cell membranes and your thyroid!