Skaman, t3 has a point. Not all powerlifters train the same way, but one of the reasons I choose to train using the Westside methods is that it seems to be VERY comprehensive. We have strength work, speed work, high rep hypertrophy work, GPP's not lagging in any aspect. Best of all, it is about targeting individual strengths and weaknesses. If the top part of your bench is weak, it's likely do to weak triceps, and so you could focus on close grip top end partial work, and add extra work and speed work that focus on can even drag a sled with the tris! It's complex, but at the same time, very versatile. It's based on old Soviet Olympic Lifting techniques, and is not TOO unlike many old school BB routines...back before men chose between strength and physique. I'm not trying to sell it to you, I just want you to understand that you don't have to sacrifice your physique goals to be strong, and vice versa. You CAN have it all, if you want it bad enough. Powerlifting, at least WSB style, will put some serious size on you, and you don't have to be a wilderbeast to do it. The difference is diet (and the fact the most PLers [I know] don't diet). Put Kaz, Blakely, Halbert, Vogelpohl...any of them, on a cutting diet, and look out Mr. O.