New member
Munkeee, your body thinks it's STARVING. Our bodies are programmed to hang onto FAT as soon as they detect a famine - that's how our pre-historic ancestors survived periods of low to no food, when floods or droughts or whatever killed off all their food. The fattest ones with the slowest metabolisms survived. The body automatically slows down all its functions, and goes into the most energy-conservative mode possible, and then starts burning up muscle for fuel, since muscle is expendable, but fat contains VAST reserves of energy (more than double protein and carbs).
THUS - eat too little, and you'll NEVER burn any more fat, and the less you eat, the more muscle your body will burn, and the less capable your body will BE of burning fat, since it is MUSCLE which uses ENERGY (i.e. fat). You won't have anything left to acutally DO the burning anymore. You have to trick your body into thinking it's in a period of abundant plenty, so that it will start thinking all those fat stores aren't so important anymore, and will let go of them. The average human body requires an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 1200 calories a day JUST to get all the vitamins and minerals we need (assuming good soil quality, etc).
Right now those 600 calories you're eating are going STRAIGHT into fat stores, for emergency use later, while your body cannabalises itself to survive day to day.
So, increase your calories to a minimum of 12 - 15 times your bodyweight in pounds (or more) which will still be at or below mainenance levels. You'll probably add a little fat while your body adjusts, but then it'll realise all is well, and will start using excess calories (if you're kind enough to give it any) to lay down new muscle tissue, which will in turn burn energy (i.e. FAT) and voila! nice new lean you!
Make sure you eat quality food - and PLEASE do a search around Elite and on this board for calorie levels or requirements. There've been several threads about people starving themselves to death thinking they're gonna burn fat that way. Forget about it - it'll never work. You need to EAT MORE.
THUS - eat too little, and you'll NEVER burn any more fat, and the less you eat, the more muscle your body will burn, and the less capable your body will BE of burning fat, since it is MUSCLE which uses ENERGY (i.e. fat). You won't have anything left to acutally DO the burning anymore. You have to trick your body into thinking it's in a period of abundant plenty, so that it will start thinking all those fat stores aren't so important anymore, and will let go of them. The average human body requires an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 1200 calories a day JUST to get all the vitamins and minerals we need (assuming good soil quality, etc).
Right now those 600 calories you're eating are going STRAIGHT into fat stores, for emergency use later, while your body cannabalises itself to survive day to day.
So, increase your calories to a minimum of 12 - 15 times your bodyweight in pounds (or more) which will still be at or below mainenance levels. You'll probably add a little fat while your body adjusts, but then it'll realise all is well, and will start using excess calories (if you're kind enough to give it any) to lay down new muscle tissue, which will in turn burn energy (i.e. FAT) and voila! nice new lean you!
Make sure you eat quality food - and PLEASE do a search around Elite and on this board for calorie levels or requirements. There've been several threads about people starving themselves to death thinking they're gonna burn fat that way. Forget about it - it'll never work. You need to EAT MORE.