When is your competition? Your training regime looks sound & I expect that you are no novice as a BBer, to intensity & training to failure on working sets. If your goal is to bulk a bit longer I would suggest that you look at upping your carb intake to more like 50% & trying to get good fats down to 10% leaving 40% protein. However, you must do what your bodytype & intution dictates. How many calories do you consume ED? Dont be too concerned with arm size, best to work on the legs & chest if lagging, the arms will come up on their own as overall body weight increases. Back is the other main bodypart to work on for mass. Your core needs to be worked, abs lower back, & try to include things like cable crunches where weight is used to build this up. Back extensions using a dumbbell for added weight. You can pull down your BF closer to the comp with sups & higher reps.