Last time I checked there WAS caffeine in soda, I'm also trying to ween myself from it.
Although, I need a bit of a boost, tomorrow I plan to buy some caffeine pills and start taking a multi vitamin, my diet is not the most healthy and it needs to change. I wanna make up for the lack of nutrients/vitamins/minerals with a multi. Any you recommend? I've personally been looking at the AST 32x vitamin.
Lastly, muscle isn't my primary concern, my body type is that of a bulky person (endomorph) so I plan to do only cardio (liss and on weekends, max incline walking, 30 minutes both). I also make sure to do ab work everyday.
How does that sound? Bad
This is the meal plan that seems best for myself:
Breakfast 7 AM
2 Wheat
1 Slice Processed American
3 Slices Turkey
1 oz Honey Mustard
replace this meal with 6 egg whites and a small glass of oj
Lunch 11 AM
Same as breakfast 6oz of real chicken or tuna with spinach and ezekeil bread sandwich
Pre Workout 3 PM
Handful of Nuts
replace this with a bowl off oats with protein powder in it and an apple
Post Workout - 4 PM
2 Scoops Whey
replace this with tuna or chicken and rice
Post W/O Meal 5-6 PM
Chicken Breast
1/2 Cup Rice
?????What are some good vegetables that aren't carb filled?????
chicken, sweat potato, and broccoli
Dinner 8-9
Same as Post W/O Meal replace this with 3 omega eggs and 3 extra egg whites along with more broccoli or spinach.
in addition to this get up 6 days per wk and run 45 minutes off some sort of cardio before you eat anything make your target hr 120.
this of course all comes with a suggestion of getting an ok from your doctor since you have a medical condition.
learn how to squat properly and drop the lunges perma.