Ya'll margaritas suck ass....
Here is the ULTIMATE mix... and I'm gay... so trust me... I know...
First do NOT add anything to the mix that takes away from the true margarita flavor. This includes lime juice concentrate (roses), margarita mix, triple sec, 7up, etc....
Next get a QUALITY tequila. This means tequila of the blue agave product. Tequila must be above 80%.
Add 3 parts tequila.
Add 1 part FRESH SQUEEZED LIME JUICE - yep, cut those limes and squeeze bro..
almost finished now.. but you can imagine it is strong and tart as hell....
well now add 1/2 part sweeten agave juice. (buy it in the health food section of the supermarket)... this gives you the necessary sweetness to take the edge off the tequila and lime juice, but not to the extent it disguises the flavor.
Fuck the salted rim.. that is for 21 year olds.
Shake like hell and then pour over ice.
Come back and tell me how good it was, and I will tell you where I picked up this recipe.