I had three drug tests in the past two weeks and i passed them all. Two of the tests where for work (2 different jobs) and one was for the military. I just thought I'd let you guys know exactly what I did just in case anyone has tests comming up. First off drink a lot of water which is a given. Myself I smoke weed on top of the gear i take so alot of you out there, if I passed you can pass. About an hour before the test i took about 4 asprin and than i took a visine bottle sucked some bleech into it and taped it right by my leg. So when i went to take my dick out i could just squirt a little bit of bleech into the cup. All you need is about three squirts not alot. Now i only taped it to my leg for the military one because they stood by me but if you need to take a test for a job most of the time they let you go by yourself so you can just carry the bleech in your pocket if you want. Oh ya dont worry about the tempeture level three squirts wont affect it I was worried about that myself at first. also dont piss right into the cup let the first flow of piss go in the bowl first than start to fill and dont top off the cup with the last of your piss either. just fill the cup to where it need to go and than let the rest loose into the bowl. the reason for this is the beggining of your piss and the end is the dirdiest. Hope i helped some of you out