I recently made a twice a week workout but i just cant do it, i need the gym more! haha. plus i really need to do cardio to get rid of all the junk i take in on the weekends (its not that bad lol). but yea below is what i have right now. im not trying to lift on fridays because i usually end up drinking and dont want to mess with that so the best i can do is mon-thurs. right now i have mon,tues,thurs so i can recover and still hit everything. my goal is to gain about 1-2lbs per month and to get cut.
-Bench 3x10
-Rows 3x10
-Curls 3x10
-Sprints 4 sprints total. run 1/7 mile as fast as i can, rest 1 min, then repeat
-Squat 3x10
-calves needto's 75 rep program
-side bends 3x12
-ab circuit bicycle, v-ups, toe touches, hip thrusts. 15 reps of each. 1 set (work
up to 2)
WED (basically an off day, just one ab exercise)
-ab circuit bicycle, v-ups, toe touches, hip thrusts. 15 reps of each. 1 set (work up to 2)
-Dips 3x10
-Pullups 3x10
-Calves needto's 75 rep program
-military 3x10
-sprints same as above
-Bench 3x10
-Rows 3x10
-Curls 3x10
-Sprints 4 sprints total. run 1/7 mile as fast as i can, rest 1 min, then repeat
-Squat 3x10
-calves needto's 75 rep program
-side bends 3x12
-ab circuit bicycle, v-ups, toe touches, hip thrusts. 15 reps of each. 1 set (work
up to 2)
WED (basically an off day, just one ab exercise)
-ab circuit bicycle, v-ups, toe touches, hip thrusts. 15 reps of each. 1 set (work up to 2)
-Dips 3x10
-Pullups 3x10
-Calves needto's 75 rep program
-military 3x10
-sprints same as above