The diets that you seem to be recommending seem to all be high in protein and low in carbs. This is fine, but I'm new to this way of eating and would like to start but need advice. It's just that I read The Shadow's post about posting up what he eats on a day to day basis which would be great but I look at what he has eaten today, and other posts from people about what they eat, and I just find it really unfamiliar. I've never heard of protein powder or protein shakes - maybe it's cos I'm from the UK??? - but what kind of things can I eat? I love chips and potatoes but I know with the Atkins diet, you can't eat those things. I've never ate things like egg whites. The kind of things I like to eat are beefburgers, chicken, bacon (most meats basically), potatoes/chips, baked beans, lettuce, tomatoes, coleslaw, porridge, toast, yoghurt, all fruits. Is anyone able to help me out as to which of these foods I can incorporate into the diet that you lot seem to do? Or do you know any websites that would be able to help me. The only diets I've ever done are low calorie ones or virtually starving myself. Neither of these work because I can't maintain them. I need an eating plan that I can maintain.