6 months, eh? A fitness enthusiast doesn't really come out of beginner status until the end of the second year and that's if she's been training constantly and with perfect form. The first year is like the magic moment for body building. It grows so fast and strong.
Dude you should know that!!
5 TIMES A DAY!!! I'm stupefied. Don't you get sore? Ouch! Though I've heard that one of the side effects of gear is also a decrease in sex drive.
Don't let her make you feel guilty about your use. She can definitely go without for a few years. I've been lifting for 14 years and only recently considered about using.
Dude you should know that!!
5 TIMES A DAY!!! I'm stupefied. Don't you get sore? Ouch! Though I've heard that one of the side effects of gear is also a decrease in sex drive.
Don't let her make you feel guilty about your use. She can definitely go without for a few years. I've been lifting for 14 years and only recently considered about using.