Keep it old school girl. There are soooo soooo many "new and improved" ideas when it comes to weight training. I have found in my gym that the trainers only know what they are taught not what they have experienced. I visited my mom's gym and the trainers were asking me questions on how to train. Very sad. This forum will get you on track. We eat and breath training. You have to live it before you can show it. Sorry about the rant I just get so ticked off when I see these "trainers" in my gym showing newbies jacked up stuff or throw them on a treadmill. God help us!!!!! Lots of stretching and one warm up set. Then 3 sets. The reps vary on the sets according to what I am doing. Bulking; I shoot for 6 reps using the heaviest I can do. Shreading; I do 10-12 reps using challenging weight but not failure weight. Always 3 sets though. Hit us with more questions.