Natural here,
my best gains come when I:
- stop clubbing and abusing mind altering substancies for 3 months, eating clean and dont mess my biological clock but religiously go to bed early etc, since the summer is coming to an end i shift focus from partying to serious pumping iron again. Also stress (from work etc.) can be a major cortisol releasing factor. Try to arrange your life to free yourselve from stressfull situations when possible...
- have a workout plan/goal! often an imperfect plan works out beter than no plan at all
- you need the proteins, but you need quality proteins and not too much in one serving as it is believed that the body can only process 20-30 grams protein per 2 hours.
So don't eat that all of your 500 grams cottagecheese (up to 55 grams protein) , just eat halve dose and the other halve 2 hours later or you increase risk of proteins depositing as fat....
However certain proteins have higher biological value and better absorption (whey protein hydrosylate) and especially when the body metabolism is increased (ie by a workout) it makes sense that the body can process 30-45 grams of whey protein per 2 hours. Since good whey protein is expensive it makes sense too use it only just before and after your workout. 35 grams before and 35 grams after
other good sorurces of protein are eggs (throw away the yellow), chickenbreast and tune but my favourite is eggs , because when i take a bakes eggs with some spicy chicken slicesd just prior to bedtime i always wake up with morning wood, so I KNOW eggs definately do something to male hormone levels.
Bakes eggs (4-5) plus some slices turkey or chicken at least for breakfast and before bed
whey before and after workout and
cottage cheese and tuna for the hours in between
You should shoot for 8 intakes of protein per day. since proteins take time to process, the high frequencie of intake allows for a constant steady flow of proteine, without unwanted SPIKES like you get from infrequent big amounts intake.....