WarLobo said:
I have half a mind to trace his IP, contact this parents and let them suggest a way to get his 17 yeard old UNDERAGE girl friend more horny.
Good one Poppa! That oughtta get them BOTH in the mood!
Geeze, I have ALWAYS had a remarkably high drive (sorta got me into a bit of trouble a time or three... hehehhehe, but I am old enough to be your mother so I can say that now!) but I didn't even have my first orgasm till I was about 18/19. And that was literally THE TIP of the iceberg. (I did have sex at too young an age - I can admit that, but that doesn't mean that I can take it back.)
If your lady does not want sex it could be for MANY reasons... one of them being a well-meaning, yet inept partner - BEEN THERE - DONE THAT.
See, I am old and secure enough to know that if I am not getting off (and I can do this quite well on my own thank you very much) then it is because my partner is lacking or because though we may both want to "get off" there may be no chemistry or just some strange hang-up. So if the guy is a dork that I no longer want to know then I just put my clothing on and get the hell out of there as fast as I can - no need to cuddle

- too old for that shit. If he is a cool dude and I enjoy his company than we just stay friends and remain physically close - just no sex.
Love? Ha - what is love? I will tell you that when my partner is still reaching for my wrinkled hand with his own careworn hand as we walk together in our twilight years.
It is out there and I know that when I am ready - it will find me.
Now PUH-LEASE accept the fact that you and your girl may not be ready for sex and go to the movies or skating or dancing. Enjoy each other's company and stop worrying about ridiculous things that YOU SHOULD NOT BE WORRYING ABOUT!