B.F.L. Idiots? I think that you should rethink that last comment. Who are you to judge anyone? Besides, fitness isn't about impressing others. It is about impressing and improving for yourself. I don't care if someone was 60% fat, and dropped to 45% fat. If it makes them feel good about themselves, that is all that matters. And why should they have to put up w/ jackass comments made by people like you? I agree that going from 11-12% BF to 4-5% BF is much more difficult, and a much more substantial accomplishment in the world of body building. But not everyone strives to be a bodybuilder. This is a forum for elitefitness athletes and serious bodybuilers.... but everyone has to begin somewhere. You did, and I bet that you weren't anywhere near where you are today, when you first started. If you were, then you probably haven't accomplished much, huh? Even though this reply is disrespectful towards you, I hope that you don't take it too personally. I could give a shit about you. I just think that people w/ some good knowledge and/or pointers would be much better off helping others out, rather than putting them down.