Sorry about the monitor Par Deus, biotest/tmag just makes me laugh alot about their hypocritical attitudes.
Drink pure lard, with a less than effective product = bad
Taking dnp or lipok, not to dangerous ifyour smart and loosing fat (but since they are all 2% bf fat isn't an issue there..........) = bad cause they don't make it
For all the guys bridging aas cycles with and/nandrasol at 70 sprays twice a day, how much does that cost, ie how many sprays a bottle? Wouldn't a little humalog prove much more effective.
using ph as a bridge never seemed to smart to me, I mean you still monkeyin' around with hormone levels anyways, go all out and bridge with anavar or test, or leave t levels alone and use slin/gh.
About androsol being cheaper than egropharm, maybe but it lacks a pentration enhancer, and for me IF I was gonna spend the money I'd pay a bit more for 2 reasons
1. More effective penetration, you have to use less for the same effect which saves you money
2. Bigger sprays, 70 sprays, twice a day would get old, the 12 or so for egro sounds more appealing.
Par Deus I know you run a sup company, but for your money which ph would you recomend. I bash ph's alot cause I've had bad luck, but I've decided to try one more time, and use the best available, take notes/log strength/size/even mood so I can have some proof to back my theory up, or to prove myself wrong.