I will start the log here and keep it updated. Main goal of the cycle is to lose fat and weight while maintaining strength and possibly gaining some lean mass. I've done this successfully on my last 2 cycles. My diet while on this was 20/4 IF and keto. I would work out fasted, eat keto during the 4 hour window following the workout, and then be done again until the next day. I lost about 15-20 kg during the 12 week cycles and gained a little strength. I'm planning to do this again, but am definitely open to other suggestions that will still allow for my goals to be met.
My gear plan for this cycle:
300 Test E/week
500 TrenE/week (likely underdosed)
---combined into 2 inj/week for 12 weeks
50 winstrol tabs ED for the first 8 weeks
20 mg cardarine ED starting a week before the cycle and continuing until out after
20 for 2 weeks, then 40 Ostarine for 12+weeks (should I start this early as well?)
A point I do need advice on: I have been cruising on 250 testE/week and 12.5 aromisin EoD for years. I'll attach bloodwork. I'm being told by some that I should stop the AI. That at my levels of test, it would be ok to carry an E2 of 100+ if I'm not having any symptoms of it. On this cycle I will raise my test a bit more, but tren and winstrol don't convert from my understanding. So, what do you guys think? Continue the AI, cut back, or stop it for this cycle and see what happens?
Other meds I normally take: Telmisartan, T4/T3, thiazide, berberine, potassium er
Support: fish oil, NAC, milk thistle, multi vitamin, aspirin, curcumin w/peperine, sunflower lecithin, cocoa powder
Supplements, glutamine, creatine, whey iso, casein, black maca, psyllium husk, HMB, BCAA and pre-workout on gym days
Currently at 4-5 workouts/week with heavy compound movements and higher reps on accessory lifts.
Current 1RM about 205 kg squat, 160 kg bench, 230 kg DL
Everything has been ordered and I should have what I need to start in 4-5 days. Questions, comments, concerns, advice? Anything else? First time I've gone for advice outside my gym, so maybe I've been off. Things are different over here. Be kind

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