While sodium does not have any calories to add to your weight, it can affect the amount of water you retain, according to Human Kinetics, a physical activity and health website. Consuming high levels of salt can cause your body to hold in more water, which can make you feel bloated and cause you to gain weight. This is the reason why your weight can fluctuate on a daily basis -- you are flushing sodium out, which can help you to lose "water" weight. For example, if you reduced your sodium intake to a low amount -- between 1,000 and 1,500 mg per day -- you would lose about 1.25 lbs. Consuming the recommended sodium levels each day ensures you do not retain excess water.
Recommended Intakes
If you are a healthy adult, your daily recommended sodium intake should be 2,300 mg per day, according to MayoClinic.com. However, if you have a chronic condition, such as hypertension, kidney disease or diabetes, you should consume less sodium per day -- 1,500 mg per day. This is the recommended intake for those at higher risk of high blood pressure, including African-Americans and those older than age 50. Work with your doctor to establish the best intake level for you.
While salt on its own does not cause you to gain or lose weight, high-salt foods do, according to Human Kinetics. Foods high in sodium tend to be higher in calories and fat, such as fast foods, processed foods and restaurant meals. Foods naturally lower in salt, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, tend to be more nutrient-dense and lower in calories. Reducing your sodium intake can help you to lose weight when you forgo high-salt, high-fat foods in favor of low-salt, nutrient-dense foods.
Healthy Choices
Reduce sodium intake to lose weight by reducing the amount of high-salt snacks, such as salted nuts, chips and pretzels, according to the American Heart Association. Low-fat cheese, milk and yogurt also tend to be low in salt. Because salt is used as a preservative in processed, canned and frozen foods, substitute these with fresh foods prepared with spices and herbs for flavoring. When eating in restaurants, avoid high-salt foods, such as French fries or other fried foods.
You shouldn't avoid sodium completely -- your body requires sodium to complete certain functions.