I'm on my second week of this routine, and I'm hating it. Actually, I get butterflies in my stomach on my way to the gym. I did low volume for such a long time, I decided to start high volume again.
Day1: Quads and Chest
Squats superset Incline Bench Press 4 sets each
Leg presses superset Db presses 3 sets each
Leg extensions superset Db flyes 2 sets each
Cable Crossovers superset Hip Machine 1 set each
Total: 20 sets
Day2: Back/Hams/Calves
Wide Grip Chins superset STL Deadlift 4 sets each
Barbell rows superset Lunges 3 sets each
Lat pulldowns superset Donkey calf raises(rest pause) 2 sets each
Cable Rows superset Calf raises(rest pause) 1 set each
Total: 23 sets (3 rest pause sets for calves)
Day3: Delts and rotator cuffs
This is not a hard workout, I'm currently injured. (I keep most of my reps higher than 12, close to failure.)
4 sets of Dumbbell presses
4-5 sets of Lateral and bent-over raises
10-12 sets physiotherapy movements.
Day 4: Triceps and abs
My arms suck so this is why I split it this way. (low reps, never higher than 8-9, total failure)
4 sets of Decline Skullcrushers
3 sets of Pushdowns
2 sets of seated French Press.
4-6 sets of Crunches
Day5: Biceps and forearms
4 sets of close grip preachers
2 sets of alternating db curls
3-4 sets of Farmer's walk
1 set of cable curls.
My arms and legs are growing like crazy. No gear and I've put on 3 lbs these last 2 weeks.
I nearly threw up on Day1 and 2 this week.
Day1: Quads and Chest
Squats superset Incline Bench Press 4 sets each
Leg presses superset Db presses 3 sets each
Leg extensions superset Db flyes 2 sets each
Cable Crossovers superset Hip Machine 1 set each
Total: 20 sets
Day2: Back/Hams/Calves
Wide Grip Chins superset STL Deadlift 4 sets each
Barbell rows superset Lunges 3 sets each
Lat pulldowns superset Donkey calf raises(rest pause) 2 sets each
Cable Rows superset Calf raises(rest pause) 1 set each
Total: 23 sets (3 rest pause sets for calves)
Day3: Delts and rotator cuffs
This is not a hard workout, I'm currently injured. (I keep most of my reps higher than 12, close to failure.)
4 sets of Dumbbell presses
4-5 sets of Lateral and bent-over raises
10-12 sets physiotherapy movements.
Day 4: Triceps and abs
My arms suck so this is why I split it this way. (low reps, never higher than 8-9, total failure)
4 sets of Decline Skullcrushers
3 sets of Pushdowns
2 sets of seated French Press.
4-6 sets of Crunches
Day5: Biceps and forearms
4 sets of close grip preachers
2 sets of alternating db curls
3-4 sets of Farmer's walk
1 set of cable curls.
My arms and legs are growing like crazy. No gear and I've put on 3 lbs these last 2 weeks.
I nearly threw up on Day1 and 2 this week.