This is a routine that I will be embarking on soon, the priorities being strength gain as well as lots of attention to accessory and prehab exercises. Size gains are secondary, though they will definately come at an acceptable pace. I'm doing this because I want to have a very responsible, balanced approach to weightlifting. On off days I'm going to do a very comprehensive stretching program, and I will do trigger point therapy every day. Thanks to hardgainer magazine and Stuart McRobert for many of the ideas. It'll look something like this:
Curl 2 x 5
Hammer Row 1 x 10
Chins 2 x 5
Hammer Leg Press 2 x 5
Wide-grip partial deadlifts 2 x 5
Glute-ham raise 2 x 5
Dip 2 x 5
Incline bench 1 x 8
Overhead Press 2 x 5
Close-grip bench 1 x 8
Rotator cuff work
Saturday (still working on sets/reps)
Neck work
Side bend
Reverse Hyper
CoC grippers
Pinch grip lifting
Finger extension
Wrist curls
Standing calf raise
Seated calf raise
Curl 2 x 5
Hammer Row 1 x 10
Chins 2 x 5
Hammer Leg Press 2 x 5
Wide-grip partial deadlifts 2 x 5
Glute-ham raise 2 x 5
Dip 2 x 5
Incline bench 1 x 8
Overhead Press 2 x 5
Close-grip bench 1 x 8
Rotator cuff work
Saturday (still working on sets/reps)
Neck work
Side bend
Reverse Hyper
CoC grippers
Pinch grip lifting
Finger extension
Wrist curls
Standing calf raise
Seated calf raise