if the ex-boyfriend "gets any" under the threat of her well-being....he could be looking at sexual assualt charges and maybe a lesser degree of rape by deceit added on top of blackmail and extortion....not worth it...tell him to go away....
if the ex-boyfriend "gets any" under the threat of her well-being....he could be looking at sexual assualt charges and maybe a lesser degree of rape by deceit added on top of blackmail and extortion....not worth it...tell him to go away....
I don't know about that, I doubt it. My friends says, that she's afraid he will send the tape and her marriage will be over. He told her that if she tells anyone, he would send the tape. So if anyone contacts him about it, he will know. She's fucked. I don't know about him. I think her best choice is to try and reason with him. Make him feel guilty.
Apparently he was very bitter towards her and felt that she screwed him over. He swore revenge and damn, did he sure get it. Some people will go to great lengths.