Hey all. I am 24 years old. Male. 6'00 205lbs and am currently sub-10% BF. I have never cycled or used any type of prohormone. The only things i have ever used were creatines, proteins, nitrous oxide crap, etc....basically stuff you buy at max muscle, gnc..etc..
I train very hard, but do a lot of high capacity workouts from the "crossfit" regiment. I also supplement those high intensity cardio workouts with lower intensity, density-focused strength workouts. I try to touch all the bases every week. From my crossfit stuff, to benching, dead lift, front/back squats and arms. I want to run this cycle by you all and see what you think. I know someone who recommended this as the cycle I take. I am not looking to bulk, or to get 'huge'. I respect those of you who do, but I am looking to tone up and get more cut. I am also looking to improve my current strength standards.
As far as my liver and PCT, I would be taking Liv-52 during the cycle and after until I run out. For PCT, I am open to suggestions.
I am going to try to put up a screenshot of the potential cycle. Let me know what you all think. Thanks.
Oh yea, the winny tabs are 10mg each (Stanozolol) from Geneza.
The Clen is (Clenodex) by Sciroxx.
Thank you for your help!!
I train very hard, but do a lot of high capacity workouts from the "crossfit" regiment. I also supplement those high intensity cardio workouts with lower intensity, density-focused strength workouts. I try to touch all the bases every week. From my crossfit stuff, to benching, dead lift, front/back squats and arms. I want to run this cycle by you all and see what you think. I know someone who recommended this as the cycle I take. I am not looking to bulk, or to get 'huge'. I respect those of you who do, but I am looking to tone up and get more cut. I am also looking to improve my current strength standards.
As far as my liver and PCT, I would be taking Liv-52 during the cycle and after until I run out. For PCT, I am open to suggestions.
I am going to try to put up a screenshot of the potential cycle. Let me know what you all think. Thanks.
Oh yea, the winny tabs are 10mg each (Stanozolol) from Geneza.
The Clen is (Clenodex) by Sciroxx.
Thank you for your help!!