Originally posted by CherryPie My leg workout consist of walking lunges, squats, hack squats, single leg leg presses, extensions, Stiff leg deadlift, leg curls and single leg curls. Not to mention the butt blaster
No matter what I do, I can not get these legs defined
The girls that entered didn't even look like lifted a weight. Their was another girl that was muscular & she didn't even place.
I was hoping to get leaner but the promoter said not too get too lean becauz that's not what they were looking for. Too me the judges had no clue, that's exactly what they said too.
My leg workout consist of walking lunges, squats, hack squats, single leg leg presses, extensions, Stiff leg deadlift, leg curls and single leg curls. Not to mention the butt blaster.
No matter what I do, I can not get these legs defined.
Thanks for directing me to where you pic is. I don't know too much about professional competitions but I do know what I like. Those 2 girls on the end that won we very skinny and unattractive to me. And that whole thing the promoter said just didn't make sense because that's exactly what the judges liked...go figure. Your legs do look like they need more definition for sure. I know this might sound kinda basic but I know what works for me when it comes close to summer. I just do very high reps with lighter weights, that really helps me get cut up, along with a lower fat diet and cardio 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. Depending on what you want to do I'd either bulk up my top half or reduce the size of your lower half to be more propotionate. One thing is for sure though, if I saw you on the street I'd probably smash up my bike, haha.
I'm a leg man, so you would have gotten my vote in a heart beat had I been a judge. You looked great from what I can tell...hard to see the upper body, but the legs are great!!!
Not sure what those judges were going for..I know this was supposed to be a fitness/physique comp, but IMO, those girls on the end were a bit skinny for this type of comp.
Was it just a local show, or a national comp? What kind of elements did they have in it? Maybe your routines (if they had them) needed work or something.
Either way, you looked great. Don't get discouraged. I'm sure with each other comp, the judges look for different things. YOu might be the "prototype" at the next one, who knows....
OK - I finally saw a figure show tonite. There were like 15 girls in each category. I also noticed a few girls I competed in bb against last year. I was trying to see what the judges were looking for. All the girls had great quads. They were lean, but only a handful were really lean like you see the national level fitness girls. The girls who won were the leanest and were able to pull out a good rear lat spread and also had tight butts w/o overpowering legs. Basically the cute little ones who had the symmetry and extremely lean.
I think I prefer women's natural bb comp - I don't really understand the whole thing because the only thing they do is go up on stage and do the symmetry / quarter turns w/ a 2 piece & a 1 piece suit. One guy told me this is what fitness girls can do when they get hurt, or bb girls if they can lean down and drop some of the muscle.
Its interesting because its so new, many of the girls didnt' really know how to pose well and many didn't have the tans and stuff done very well. I think its a great option other than fitness & bb, but I think many of them just didn't lean out enough. Very strange to me.. but then I am into bb.
Anyone else have a comment on figure comps? Maybe next year it will be more clear to all involved what the judges are looking for....
Plan for 2 day-Bad judges...RADAR will have to kick some a** and straighing up things......if i had been a judge you would have won hands down...you look Great GAL!!!!! RADAR
I looked at this again, and I think that you'd do better in BB. Symmetry isn't just side to side--it's also top and bottom. YOUr top and bottom halves have to be in proportion. And in all fairness, Ula, the winner, is very well-proportioned and that's what wins.
ANd, BB is posing, but figure--you're in motion, and your legs would throw you off that way.