Haven't posted in a little while sorry about that.*
Day 15
Weighed in at 193.4???
Really noticed an increase in strength. Did dead lifts went from 275 to 315 this week so definitely a good increase I'm strenth. Workouts are getting alot more intense and my body is definitely responding. Did no cardio was too tired
Day 16
weighed in at 189
I completely destroyed chest, felt like I was just a monster in the gym ended up doing about 24 sets of chest mixing it with some super sets of bis, even at the end of my workout my bis were incredibly strong but in so much pain. Only did 2 laps around the track
Day 17
Weighed in at 188
Insanely tired, body feels completely worn out. Went to work and knocked down weeds in the mountain's on a slope for about 4 hours. Was able to get through the days but I'm noticing that I'm a lot more tired lately. Anyways went to the gym and did a few supersets of shoulders, tris and abs but didn't have to much strength for some reason. I don't know if I'm not eating enough but I haven't wanted to Eat to much more because I'm having trouble dropping my bf. After my workout went out on the track and ran 9 laps straight which is a new record. I don't notice the gw like carrying me through it, I still had to push hard to make it but It was definitely a little easier. I wish the bf would come off. Seems like I'm gaining weight instead