monday - upper body workout
Lateral Pulldown
210 lbs 5 sets of 10 reps, add weight and go to 5x8.
222 lbs 3 sets of 3 reps if you added enough weight above you wont be able to do this.
Biceps curl
36 lbs 4 sets of 8 reps. push to add another set of 8 reps.
Military Press
165 6 sets of 7 reps. if you can do 5 sets of eight reps then add weight here.
Bench Press or Press Arm, which is called on my machine.
212 lbs 4 sets of 5 reps. push to 5x5 or 5x8. 5x5 will be more toward strength and 5x8 will be more toward hypertrophy.
tricep pull down
103 lbs 3 sets of 8 reps keep working this till you get 5c8 then add weight.
186 pounds of my body weight about 15 reps of 3 sets. hold a dbl between your ankles, that way you can add weight. Or get a dip belt they are pretty cheap.
Tuesday- lower body workout
crunches, 3 sets of 12 reps most peeps legs respond very well to higher reps. So here I would suggest 3x12=15
leg lever, 3 sets of 9 dont know this.
squats 100 lbs 5 sets of 12 reps. go to google and type in zercher squats. This is a way that you can squat more weight and get the benefit of doing heavy squats. You can get some sawhorses at Lowes or Menards to hold the weights on so that you pick them up, instead of off the floor. Works gr8 bro!
sprint for 10 mintues but after that I usually just end my workout because of the shin splits. Bro there is an old adage in bbng. If it hurts then dont do it. I would say stop the sprints completely and go to low or no impact something to replace them with. Bike, Stairclimber, Ski, whatever. But I would stop the sprints.
lunges , I do as much until my legs are completely exhausted.
Wednesday - rest
thursday upper body
friday lower body
saturday rest.
sunday repeat process.
I should be able to do more on my squat but I don't have a stand to put the bar on. I already maxed out my military press and the lateral pullldown but I'm just going to continue to do more reps before I increase the sets on my isolation moves such as the tricep and bicep. I can't really add anymore exercise because I just become exhausted after all that.